Webinar on Robotics in Everyday Life – Threat or Opportunity dated 23-10-2020

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IEEE Delhi Section with Computer Society Chapter, Consultants Network Affinity Group, Life Member Affinity Group, Inter Society Relations, Industry Relations & SIGHT Standing Committees of IEEE Delhi with the associations CSI, Safa Society, ISTE Delhi Section, IETE Delhi Centre, invites you for a Webinar on 23-October-2020, the Friday, at 06:00 p.m.

With the technological advancement, especially in the areas of energy and artificial intelligence, robots are going to be pervasive in all the walks of day to day life, which were primarily dominated by skilled human workers such as office boys/drivers/waiters/field workers/etc. as robots are tireless, stronger, more precise and faster than humans. Robots and intelligent agents, have already started playing important roles in the jobs that demand higher intellectual capabilities with better precision like medical doctors, lawyers and so on. The development cost of robots has also been dramatically reduced over the past two decades, making robots more affordable for everyone. However, adopting robots in our day to day life will not only require changes in the existing structure/business processes/working culture/etc. but will also have other undesirable impact in the society. This webinar aims to explore the all round impact of robotics in our society.

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Tuesday, 29 September, 2020 - 14:20