Invitation for Webinar on Unleashing Data Science and AI dated 08-08-2020

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IEEE Delhi Section with Computer Society Chapter, Consultants Network Affinity Group, Life Member Affinity Group, Inter Society Relations, Industry Relations & SIGHT Standing Committees of IEEE Delhi with the associations CSI, Safa Society, ISTE Delhi Section, IETE Delhi Centre, invites you for a Webinar on 08-August-2020, the Saturday, at 06:00 p.m.

Enterprises are storing more data than ever. Enterprises are employing sophisticated AI/ML algorithms to transform data into fuel. This talk will present how AI/ML is transforming industries into intelligent industries by taking examples from few industries. This talk also touches upon trustworthy AI and how it will help in unleashing its power even more.

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Saturday, 11 July, 2020 - 15:30