Invitation for Webinar on The Art of Drone Technologies dated 12-03-2022

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IEEE Delhi Section with Computer Society Chapter, Consultants Network Affinity Group, Life Member Affinity Group, Inter Society Relations, Industry Relations & SIGHT Standing Committees of IEEE Delhi with the associations CSI, Safa Society, ISTE Delhi Section, IETE Delhi Centre, invites you for a Webinar on 12-March-2022, the Saturday, at 06:00 p.m.

After the evolution of electronic components and BLDC (Brushless DC) motors, the usage of unmanned flying vehicles has increased enormously. Nowadays, the UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) are used for various applications like surveying, delivering healthcare products, gathering important information from a natural or man-made disaster, wild animal monitoring, etc., The main advantage of UAVs is they don’t need a pilot on the craft to control it. With the support of modern technologies like the internet, camera, GPS location, and wireless communication technology the UAV can be controlled from thousands of miles away. The practicality of implementing drone technology in various fields (agriculture, army, geospatial survey, etc.,) has immensely increased and has opened various job opportunities for Indian graduate students and Engineers. In this webinar, the deliberation will be on all round perspective of Drone technologies like Drone types, H/W and S/W requirements, Micro-controllers, Electronics Speed Controllers, AI enabled drones and their related applications, including Research opportunities.

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Tuesday, 1 February, 2022 - 20:00