Invitation for Webinar on AI based Transformer Technologies dated 01-10-2022

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IEEE Delhi Section with Computer Society Chapter, Consultants Network Affinity Group, Life Member Affinity Group, Inter Society Relations, Industry Relations & SIGHT Standing Committees of IEEE Delhi with the associations CSI, Safa Society, ISTE Delhi Section, IETE Delhi Centre, invites you for a Webinar on 01-October-2022, the Saturday, at 06:00 p.m.

One of the interesting areas of usage of technology has been how can we make machines take instructions like humans and perform various activities for example, asking to draw a water colour portrait of kids playing basketball along with robots during sunset with Golden Gate bridge in the background, or, asking a robot to go and fetch a glass of water from the kitchen, etc. These common human conversations when done with machines involve lot of tech around NLP (Natural Language Processing). Transformer is one such tech based on deep learning models which cater to these kind of use cases. This tech has evolved a lot over the years. In recent times, tech from OpenAI (GPT, Dall-E), Google (Google Brain, LaMDA, PaLM) , Microsoft (IntelliSense, Github Copilot), etc. are revolutionizing the way machines work and in future looks like such tech can replace lots of human work. It looks like that in future this kind of tech and machines would be in many ways at par with humans. Sounds super and scary at the same time. The webinar aims to discuss various aspects of the transformer technologies.

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Sunday, 4 September, 2022 - 07:50