Bharati Vidyapeeth's Institute of Computer Applications and Management


      I take this opportunity to welcome you all to the Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computing For Sustainable Global Development; INDIACom - 2014; the eight edition of the annual series; INDIACom, being organized during 5th to 7th March, 2014.

       Throughout the world, nations have started recognizing that IT is now acting as a catalyst in speeding up the economic activities in efficient governance, citizens’ empowerment and in improving the quality of human life. Recent developments in IT have touched almost every conceivable area of human life. Emergence of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) on the national agenda, witnesses the impact of IT on good governance, sustainable development, globalization of economy and social empowerment. In light of this, the theme, Computing For Sustainable Global Development, is very much relevant and timely, even now.

      The objective was to bring the eminent academicians, scientists, researchers, industrialists, technocrats, government representatives, social visionaries and experts from all strata of society, under one roof, to explore the new horizons of innovative technology to identify opportunities and define the path forward. This new path should eliminate isolation, discourage redundant efforts and promote scientific progress aimed to accelerate India’s overall growth to prominence on the International front and contribute effectively to realize and achieve the India 2020 mission of being a Developed Nation. The conference will feature regular paper presentation sessions, invited talks, key note addresses, panel discussions and poster exhibitions.

      Encouraged by the resounding success of past seven editions of INDIACom(s) since its inception in 2007 with INDIACom – 2007; INDIACom - 2014 was announced as the 8th event of the annual series at International level under technical sponsorship of IEEE Delhi Section with permission to publish and index all accepted papers, which will be presented during the conference, in IEEE Xplore. It attracted researchers and practitioners from academia, industry and government agencies, in order to exchange ideas and share their valuable experiences. Over 600 papers were received; till the last date; thereby making the job of the Technical Programme Committee (TPC) extremely difficult. After a series of tough review exercises, 232 papers were recommended to be accepted for presentation in INDIACom – 2014 during the three days under four parallel tracks. Out of these 232 papers, a set of 209 papers were further recommended for publication in the hard copy of the Pre-Conference Proceedings. These papers represent wide variety of research topics in all the emerging areas besides traditional and core computational areas. Some of the application oriented papers may not be very rich in technical content, but provide extensive information about the new areas where computing can really be useful for the overall prosperity of the mankind, which in turn might facilitate the overall growth in the country. I am sure, these contributions will definitely enrich our knowledge and motivate many of us to take up these challenging application areas and contribute effectively for the Sustainable Global Development.

      I would like to thank our Hon' ble Founder - Bharati Vidyapeeth, Dr. Patangraoji Kadam, who is always a constant source of inspiration for the young generation, for having given me this noble opportunity at Bharati Vidyapeeth, New Delhi. I would also like to thank Hon' ble Prof. (Dr.) Shivajiraoji Kadam, Vice Chancellor, Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University, Pune, and Hon' ble Dr. Vishwajeet Kadam, Secretary, Bharati Vidyapeeth, Pune, for giving me all encouragements, support and a path aimed to quality and excellence, comparable to the best in the world.

      We are grateful to a number of people without whom we would not have been able to successfully organize this mega event. On behalf of the Organizing Committee, I thank to my esteemed authors for having shown confidence in us and considered INDIACom - 2014, a platform to showcase and share their original research work. I wish to express my gratitude to my focused and dedicated team of Convener, Joint Conveners, members of the Advisory Committee, Organizing Committee, Programme Committee, Co-ordination Committee, Web Administration and Content Development Committee, Management Committee of ISTE Delhi Section, Executive Committee of IEEE Delhi Section, members of Computer Society of IEEE Delhi Section, Computational Intelligence Society (CIS), IEEE Delhi Section, Executive Committee of IETE Delhi Centre, officials of GGSIP University, my team of teaching and non-teaching staff members and finally my students for being a great source of strength to me in making this event successful. I consider my self fortunate to have such a dedicated and ever supporting team. A very special thanks to Mrs. Anu Kiran Jain, Convener, and Mrs. Shalini Singh Jaspal, Joint Convener for having worked relentlessly to make this conference successful and also easing out the compilation process of this huge and voluminous Proceedings. The automated Conference Management System (CMS), which certainly has proved to be a successful interface for this conference, is also an out come of the hard work of our own team of students supervised by the faculty; Mrs. Shalini Singh Jaspal.

      I am personally thankful to the Co-conveners; Shri R. K. Vyas, RVP (R-1), CSI, Wing Commander (Rtd.) K. C. Bhardvaj, Chairman, IETE, Delhi Centre, Prof. A. K. Saini, council member, IETE, Mr. Daman Dev Sood, Chairman, Computer Society, IEEE Delhi Section and Prof. A. Q. Ansari, Chairman, Computational Intelligence Society, IEEE Delhi Section, for having offered their technical co-sponsorship and helped me at all the difficult and critical times in the process of making this Conference a great success.

      We also take this opportunity to thank various organizations which have sponsored and collaborated with us in organizing this conference and meeting the financial constraints, especially to GGSIP University, New Delhi, Department of Science and Technology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi, All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi, Institutions of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE), Delhi Centre, Jagdishprasad Jhabarmal Tibrewala University, Jhunjhunu, Rajashthan and Shridhar University, Pilani, Rajasthan. I am, also thankful to our technical co-sponsors; Computer Society and Computational Intelligence Society of IEEE Delhi Section, ISTE, Delhi Section and CSI Region - I, Bharati Vidyapeeth CSI Students' Branch, New Delhi. I am also thankful to my printer Mr. Naresh, for patiently incorporating all the changes, as suggested from time to time, irrespective of the frequency and the repeated efforts.

       Those who have organized conferences of this magnitude, edited and compiled such Pre-Conference Proceedings know the amount of time and effort that goes into such a project. Any one who is related to the editor can tell you at whose expense that time was spent. Mere thanks to Roohi, Faisal and Nargis seem small as compared to the tremendous support and indulgence they gave and tolerated me all along, while I devoted my time in planning the Conference and editing and compiling the Proceedings.

       Finally, I am thankful to one and all, who have contributed directly or indirectly in making this conference successful.

      Tremendous amount of efforts put in to compile this huge and voluminous Proceedings will be successful only if these papers could motivate some of us in taking up the major computing challenges for a huge country like India, in the coming years.

      Last but not the least, I take this opportunity to give the credit of successfully bringing out this Proceedings to my team, one and all, and personally own the responsibility of all the errors, deficiencies and shortcomings. As the available time was very short, in spite of our best efforts to produce a quality publication with a consistent format, errors may remain. I apologies to our readers and contributors for that and request them to kindly send / e-mail their criticism and suggestions, which will be vital for the improvement of the post conference further edited version of the Proceedings.

New Delhi Prof. M.N. Hoda
20th February, 2014 Editor & Chief Convener, INDIACom - 2014
Director, BVICAM, New Delhi